Dataset Description | |
DWR Station information and time series measurements of surface water, groundwater, environmental and climate data. Detail reports are provided for all Stations. See 'Data Dictionary' below for definitions. For more help, see: |
Columns in this Dataset |
Column Name | Description | Type |
Abbrev | Station Abbreviation | Text |
Abbrev | Station abbreviation. Eight-characters. Last two are initials of State. | Text |
Abbreviation | DWR Station Abbreviation, 8 character code | Text |
All Stations | TBD | Text |
Channel Width | Width of measured channel | float |
Contributing Area | Size of contributing drainage area | real |
Contributing Area | Size of contributing drainage area | real |
Cooperator Descr | TBD | Text |
Cooperator ID | Unique ID from Station Cooperator, if applicable | Text |
County | County | Text |
Current Stations | TBD | Text |
Data Category | Data Category | Text |
Data Category | TBD | Text |
Data Provider | Agency responsible for data reading | Text |
Data Provider | TBD | Text |
Data Source | Data Source | Text |
Date | Measurement date time | DateTime |
Discharge | TBD | float |
Div | DWR Water Division | Text |
Division | TBD | Integer |
Drainage Area | The drainage area of the dam, in square miles, which is defined as the area that drains to a particular point (in this case, the dam) on a river or stream. | numeric |
From | TBD | Text |
Gage | Name of gage at which stage was measured | Text |
Gage Height | TBD | float |
Gage Height Change | TBD | float |
Geographic Location | TBD | Text |
GNIS ID | National Hydrographic Dataset stream ID | Text |
GNIS ID | Water source - geographic name information system ID | Text |
Having Record Dates (optional) | TBD | Text |
Hydrologic Unit Code | TBD | Text |
Latitude | Latitude (decimal degrees) | Decimal (8,6) |
Location Accuracy | Accuracy of location coordinates | Text |
Longitude | Longitude (decimal degrees) | Decimal (9,6) |
Mean Velocity | TBD | float |
Meas Date Time | TBD | DateTime |
Meas Duration | TBD | float |
Meas Made By | TBD | Text |
Meas Method | TBD | Text |
Meas No | TBD | Text |
Meas Remarks | TBD | Text |
Meas Sections | TBD | Integer |
Meter No | TBD | Text |
Modified | Last date time that this record was modified in the DWR database | DateTime |
Modified By | Person who last modified this record | Integer |
More Information | Hyperlink to additional details | Text |
More Options | TBD | Text |
Observation Flag | Observation Flags |
Text |
Parameter | Measured parameter/variable | Text |
Parameter | Parameter to monitor in this Alert | Text |
Parameter | Measured parameter/variable | Text |
Parameter Units | Measurement units | Text |
Parameter Value | Value of measured parameter | float |
Percent Difference | TBD | float |
POR End | End of period of record of data for this station | date |
POR Start | Start of period of record of data for this station | date |
Previous Adj Date | optional | Datetime |
Rating Table Name | Station stage/discharge rating table | Text |
Record Id | TBD | Integer |
Review Status | O = Original, as collected; P = Provisional, partialy proecssed. A = Approved, review complete. U = 3rd party data. | Text |
Section Area | TBD | float |
Shift Adjustment | TBD | float |
Snooze Interval | Period of time the system will "snooze" an alarm before sending a subsequent message | Integer |
Stage | Measured stage, with flags as superscript. See Data Dictionary under Help for more information | Text |
Stage | Stage reading in feet, with any flags | Text |
Stage Published | Indicates if result is published or provisional | Text |
Stage Quality | Stage quality flag for this measurement, as recorded | Text |
Stage Units | Measurement units | Text |
Stage Value | Measured stage | float |
State | State in which Station is located | Text |
Station | Click the arrow or start typing Station Name | Text |
Station Name | Station name and data source (if not DWR) | Text |
Station Num | Unique Station ID in DWR HydroBase | Integer |
Station Status | Status message of station. See Data Dictionary under Help for more info. | Text |
Station Type | Type of station. See Data Dictionary under Help for more info. | Text |
Station Type | TBD | Text |
Station Type | Diversion Structure, Stream Gage, Storage Structure, or Groundwater Level | Text |
Stream Mile | Distance in miles to the confluence with the next downstream water source (or distance to state line) | Decimal (10,2) |
Stream Mile | Distance in miles to the confluence with the next downstream water source (or distance to state line) | Decimal (10,2) |
Symbol Color | TBD | Text |
Symbol Scale | TBD | Text |
Symbol Shape | TBD | Text |
Table Num | TBD | Integer |
Telemetry Feed | TBD | Text |
To | TBD | Text |
USGS Station ID | TBD | Text |
UTM X | The x (Easting) component of the Universal Transverse Mercator system. (NAD83 datum) | Decimal (8,1) |
UTM Y | The y (Northing) component of the Universal Transverse Mercator system. (Zone 13, NAD83 datum) | Decimal (8,1) |
Value | Result and units, with flags as superscript. See Data Dictionary under Help for more information | Text |
Value | Reading value with units plus any flags | Text |
Water District | DWR Water District | Integer |
Water Source | Name of water source that station is on or associated with | Text |
Water Source | Water source name (see GNIS ID) | Text |
WD | DWR Water District | Integer |
WDID | DWR unique structure identifier | Text |
WDID | DWR Structure ID number in HydroBase | Text |
Well Permit | Well permit number, if applicable | Text |
X | TBD | Decimal (12,2) |
Y | TBD | Decimal (13,3) |