To filter the form list, select a Department from the dropdown and/or enter text in the search box. Click the button on the right side of the row to access the desired form.
All Basins: Form 3.1 / 3.2 Instructions for Well Measurement Verification | Instruction for reporting measurement verification (TFM or PCC) as required. (RRB,SPRB,ARB,RGRB) | TBA |
All Basins: Form 3.1 / 3.2 Well Measurement Verification | Report measurement verification (TFM or PCC) as required. (RRB,SPRB,ARB,RGRB) | TBA |
All Basins: Notice of Inactivation | Use this form to file your request to inactivate your well or specified meters (RRB,SPRB,ARB,RGRB) | NoticeOfInactivation |
Application for Fire Suppression Pond | Application for a Board of County Commissioners to register a fire suppression pond (PONDS) | TBA |
Application for Removal or Breach of Dam | Apply to remove or breach a dam | TBA |
Application for Review of Plans and Specifications for the Alteration, Modification, or Repair of a Dam and Reservoir | Apply to alter, modify or repair a dam and reservoir | TBA |
Application for Review of Plans and Specifications for the Construction or Enlargement of a Dam and Reservoir | Apply to construct or enlarge a dam and reservoir | TBA |
Arkansas: Form 11 - Request for variance from amended rules governing the measurement of tributary ground water diversions located in the Arkansas River | Complete a Request for Variance with applicable calculations and supporting documentation (ARB) | TBA |
Arkansas: Form 13 - Ground Water Use Information | Complete a Ground Water Use Information Form for an individual meter when required (ARB) | TBA |
Arkansas: Form 7.1 - Notice of Reactivation | Complete a Notice of Reactivation to notify the Division Office of the reason for reactivation (ARB) | TBA |
Arkansas: General Permit Notification Form - Arkansas Irrigation Improvement Rules | Use to provide notice described in Irrigation Improvement Rules, in Rule 11 prior to making an improvement to a surface water irrigation system (ARB) | TBA |
Change of Owner Name/Contact Information (for use by the well owner or the well owner’s attorney/authorized agent) | Use this form to update or change the well owner's (or other associated individuals) contact information for a given permit. Do not use this form if you are a title company representative filing on behalf of the well owner. Instead, use the Title Company - Change of Owner Name/Contact Information eForm. If the eForm is filed by someone other than the new well owner (or their attorney), a letter of authorization must be uploaded with the eForm submittal. The well permit number must be known to file this form. Use the Well Permit Search Tool to identify the correct permit number. See the Permit Search Tool User Guide for help searching for permit numbers. Note - filing a Change of Owner Name/Contact Information form is for contact information purposes ONLY. This action does not convey real property. Please refer to the Guide to Change of Owner Name/Contact Information on Well Permits for more detailed instructions. For additional assistance, submit questions using Ask DWR-Change of Owner Name. (WP/DBB) (This form was formerly identified as GWS-11.) | ChangeOwner |
DBB-004 Administrative Reporting - Meter Readings | Annual Meter Reading Reporting for certain wells in designated groundwater basins (DBB) | TBA |
DBB-005 Application Change of Type of use and/or Change in Place of Use | Apply to change type and/or place of use of a well permit issued by the Ground Water Commission (DBB) | TBA |
DBB-006 Application to Commingle Wells | Apply to commingle wells opering under well permits issued by the Ground Water Commission (DBB) | TBA |
DBB-007 Application for Change of Description of Irrigated Acres | Apply to change the description of irrigated acres of a well permit issued by the Ground Water Commission (DBB) | TBA |
DBB-010 Application for an Alternate Point of Diversion or Supplemental Well | Apply for an alternate point of diversion well or supplemental well within a Designated Groundwater Basin (DBB) | TBA |
DBB-011 Waiver of Claim to Injury | Waiver of claim of injury to an existing well resulting from approval of another application in a designated basin (DBB) | TBA |
DBB-012B Application for a Change in Permitted Location to Original Historical Site | Apply to change the permitted location of a well within a designated basin to its original historical site (DBB) | TBA |
DBB-013 Administrative Reporting Three-Year Modified Banking | Annual reporting for a well operating under 3-year modified banking administration in a designated basin (DBB) | TBA |
DBB-014 Three-Year Modified Banking Worksheet | Worksheet used when applying to covert 3-year rolling average to 3-year modified banking administration in designated dasins (DBB) | TBA |
DBB-015 Request to Exclude a Year in Computing Historical Use | Request to exclude a year in computing historical use under a future change of water right application in a designated basin (DBB) | TBA |
DBB-016 Request to Cancel a Portion of the Permitted Irrigated Acres of a Water Right | Request to cancel a portion of the permitted irrigated acres of a water right in a designated basin (DBB) | TBA |
DBB-018 Well Owner's Statement and Request to Cancel a Well Permit | Request to cancel a well permit and abandon a water right in a designated basin (DBB) | TBA |
DBB-020 Well Owner's Statement and Request to Cancel a Well Permit (EQIP Funding) | Request to cancel a well permit and abandon a water right in a designated basin - due to enrolling in an EQIP funding program (DBB) | TBA |
DBB-021 Well Owner's Statement and Request to Cancel a Well Permit (CREP Funding) | Request to cancel a well permit and abandon a water right in a designated basin - due to enrolling in an CREP funding program (DBB) | TBA |
DBB-021R Well Owner's Statement and Request to Cancel a Well Permit (CREP Funding) | Request to cancel a well permit and abandon a water right in a designated basin - due to enrolling in a CREP funding program - allowing revegetation (DBB) | TBA |
DBB-022 Well Owner's Statement and Request to Cancel a Well Permit (AWEP) | Request to cancel a well permit and abandon a water right in a designated basin - due to enrolling in an AWEP funding program (DBB) | TBA |
DBB-023 Application for an Aquifer Storage and Recovery Plan | Apply for an Aquifer Storage And Recovery Plan within a Designated Ground Water Basin (DBB) | TBA |
DBB-024 Application for a Change of Well Location | Applly to change the permitted location of a well permit issued by the Ground Water Commission (DBB) | TBA |
DBB-025 Application for an Increase in Permitted Irrigated Acreage | Apply for an increase in permitted irrigated acres of a well permit issued by the Ground Water Commission (DBB) | TBA |
DBB-026 Water Right and Well Owner's Statement and Request to Permanently Inactivate a Well in the South Fork Focus Zone | Request to permanently inactivate a well in the Republican River Water Conservation District South Fork Focus Zone - due to enrolling in a conservation program (DBB) | TBA |
DBB-027 Water Right and Well Owner's Statement and Request to Cancel a Portion of the Permitted Irrigated Acres of a Water Right | Request to cancel a portion of a water right in the Republican River Water Conservation District - due to enrollment in a conservation program (DBB) | TBA |
Division 6: Approval of Measurement Method - ALL STRUCTURES EXCEPT RESERVOIRS | Use this form to apply for the approval of a Measurement Method (pre-existing, newly installed, reinstalled, changed or Alternative Measurement Method) to be in compliance with the Division 6 Measurement Rules in accordance with Rule 7, FOR ALL STRUCTURES EXCEPT RESERVOIRS (DIV6). | TBA |
Division 6: Approval of Measurement Method Form - RESERVOIRS ONLY | Use this form to apply for the approval of a Measurement Method (pre-existing, newly installed, reinstalled, changed or Alternative Measurement Method) to be in compliance with the Division 6 Measurement Rules in accordance with Rule 7 FOR RESERVOIRS ONLY (DIV6). | TBA |
Division 6: Measurement Rule Extension Request | Use this form to show good cause to make an Extension Request to the Division Engineer to extend the compliance deadline in Rule 17.1 for your structure (DIV6). | TBA |
Division 6: Measurement Rule Variance Request | Use this form when the strict application of any provision of the Division 6 Measurement Rules presents practical difficulties or causes undue hardship and make a formal request for a Variance to the Division Engineer to be in compliance with the Division 6 Measurement Rules in accordance with Rule 11 (DIV6) | TBA |
Division 6: Notice of Structure Inactivation | Use this form to declare a structure as Inactive in order to be exempted from the Division 6 Measurement Rules in accordance with Rules 3.1.6 and 9 (DIV6) | TBA |
Division 6: Reservoir Record Sheet | Use this reservoir record sheet to provide reservoir information to the Division 6, Division Office (DIV6) | TBA |
Division 6: User Supplied Diversion Records Data Sheet | Use this data sheet to provide diversion record data to the Division 6, Division Office (DIV6) | TBA |
Division 6: User Supplied Diversion Records Data Sheet Example | Review this data sheet example to learn how to provide diversion record data to the Division 6, Division Office (DIV6) | TBA |
Division 6: User Supplied Diversion Records Forms Guide | Review this forms guide to learn how to submit user supplied diversion records to the Division 6, Division Office (DIV6) | TBA |
Engineer's Inspection Report | Conducted by a Dam Safety Engineer, the Engineer's Inspection Report (EIR) provides an evaluation of the condition of a dam and establishes the safe storage level in the reservoir | TBA |
GWS-01 Nontributary Ground Water Landownership Statement | To claim ownership of underlying nontributary groundwater when the applicant is the owner of the overlying land (WP/DBB) | TBA |
GWS-02 Well Permit Information, Permits Approved Pursuant to CRS 37-90-137(2) - Non-Exempt | Information concerning well permit approval under this statute (WP) | TBA |
GWS-03A Nontributary Ground Water Consent Claim | Submit with certain applications when the applicant is not the owner of overlying land (WP/DBB) | TBA |
GWS-05 Well Permit Information, Permits Approved Pursuant to CRS 37-90-105 - Small Capacity | Information concerning well permit approval under this statute (DBB) | TBA |
GWS-07 Information for Well Permits Approved Pursuant to CRS 37-92-602 (Household, Domestic, Livestock And Exempt Commercial Uses) | Information concerning well permit approval under this statute (WP) | TBA |
GWS-10 Statement of Beneficial Use | To claim beneficial use of water under a conditional well permit issued by the Ground Water Commission (DBB) | TBA |
GWS-12 Registration of Existing Well | Register an existing residential or commercial well that was put to use prior to May 8, 1972. This form was updated December 6, 2023 and now includes a required statement of historical use (previously included as form GWS-12A). (WP/DBB) | TBA |
GWS-13a Field Inspection Report | Fiile with an application when a field inspection is completed by Division of Water Resources personnel (WP/DBB) | TBA |
GWS-19 Notice of Commencement of Beneficial Use | Provide notice of first beneficial use of well when required by statute (DBB) | TBA |
GWS-23 Information for Non-Exempt CRS 37-90-137(4) Permits | Information concerning well permit approval under this statute (WP) | TBA |
GWS-26 Contractor License Application | Apply for Well Construction and/or Pump Installation Contractor License | TBA |
GWS-27 Gravel Pit Well Permit Application | Apply for a well permit to expose groundwater in a sand and gravel mine (WP/DBB) | TBA |
GWS-28 Bond for Well Construction Contractor And/Or Pump Installation Contractor And Special Licenses | Bond for Licensed Contractors | TBA |
GWS-30A Rig Registration Well Construction And/Or Pump Installation | Register each rig for well drilling and/or pump installation | TBA |
GWS-31 Well Construction And Yield Estimate Report | Complete to report construction of a well and yield estimate | TBA |
GWS-32 Pump Installation And Production Equipment Test Report | Complete to report pump installation on a well | TBA |
GWS-38 600 Foot Well Spacing Statement | Submit to waive your right to participate in a hearing to object to issuance of a permit for a well located within 600 feet of your well (WP) | TBA |
GWS-38a 600 Foot Well Spacing Statement (Multiple Wells) | Submit to waive your right to participate in a hearing to object to issuance of multiple well permits for wells located within 600 feet of your well (WP) | TBA |
GWS-39 Well Yield Test Report | Complete to report well yield testing on a well | TBA |
GWS-41 Well Permit Information, Permits Approved Pursuant to CRS 37-90-107 | Information concerning well permit approval under this statute (DBB) | TBA |
GWS-42 Application For Well Location Amendment | Apply to amend the location of a well permit (WP/DBB) | TBA |
GWS-43 Verification of Notice of Application | To verify that notice of an application for nontributry groundwater has been given to parties with an interest in the overlying land (WP/DBB) | TBA |
GWS-44 Residential Water Well Permit Application | Apply to construct, replace, change use and other common actions for a residential or livestock watering well (WP/DBB) | TBA |
GWS-45 General Purpose Water Well Permit Application | Apply to construct, replace, change use and other common actions for a non-residential well (crop irrigation, municipal, etc.) or dewatering system (WP/DBB) | TBA |
GWS-45A Permit Applications for Recovery Wells | Instructions regarding the application process for recovery wells (WP) | TBA |
GWS-45B Instructions for Nontributary Produced Water Well Permit Application | Instructions for completing GWS-45 to apply for a Nontributary Produced Water Well Permit for COGCC oil & gas well (WP/DBB) | TBA |
GWS-45C Instructions for Applying For Type A Or B Geothermal Well Title Steps For Applying For Type A or B Geothermal Well | Process and instructions related to applying for Type A or Type B Geothermal Well Permit (WP/DBB) | TBA |
GWS-46 Monitoring Observation Water Well Permit Application | Apply to construct or use existing monitoring well (WP/DBB) | TBA |
GWS-46B Instructions for Submitting Monitoring Observation Well Permit Applications in Batches | Instructions to submit batches of applications for monitoring/observation well permits (WP/DBB) | TBA |
GWS-47 Well Permit Information, Permits Approved Pursuant To CRS 37-90-107(7) (Denver Basin Aquifer Wells Located In Designated Basins) | Information concerning well permit approval under this statute (DBB) | TBA |
GWS-53 Application for a Determination of Water Right | Apply for a determination of a right to groundwater in the Denver Basin aquifers within a designated basin (DBB) | TBA |
GWS-55 Well Permit Information, Permits Approved Pursuant to CRS 37-90-111(1)(c) - Large Capacity | Information concerning well permit approval under this statute (DBB) | TBA |
GWS-56 Notice of Commencement of Extraction of Recharged Ground Water | Complete as required pursuant to the Artificial Recharge Extraction Rules (WP) | TBA |
GWS-57 Commercial Drinking And Sanitary Well Worksheet | Complete for wells used for commercial drinking and sanitary purposes (WP) | TBA |
GWS-58 Supplemental Information For Small Capacity Commercial Well Permit Applications | To provide information on the business to be served by a small capacity commercial use well in designated basins (DBB) | TBA |
GWS-61 Commercial Small Capacity Well Water Use Breakdown Worksheet | To provide information on the water needs of a small capacity commercial use well in designated basins (DBB) | TBA |
GWS-64 General Request for Extension of Well Permit Expiration Date | Request an extension of a well permit expiration date (WP/DBB) | TBA |
GWS-65 Petition for Reinstatement of a Well Permit Pursuant to CRS 37-90-137(3)(c) | Submit a request to reinstate a well permit in certain situations (WP) | TBA |
GWS-67 Application to Change a Determination of Water Right | Apply for a change to a Determination of Water Right in a designated basin (DBB) | TBA |
GWS-68 Post-Construction Well Inspection Report | Complete to report inspection of a well constructed after May 8, 1972 for which a well construction report has not been submitted | TBA |
GWS-68A Statement of Pump Installation | Complete in certain situations for late filing evidence of pump installation if report is unavailable from pump installer (WP) | TBA |
GWS-69 Application for a Replacement Plan | Apply for a replacement plan in a designated basin (DBB) | TBA |
GWS-70 Refund Request Form | Use to request a refund of fees submitted in certain situations in error | TBA |
GWS-72 Geoexchange System Loop Fields Permit Application | Used by a certified installer to apply to install a geoexchange system loop fields well permit | TBA |
GWS-76 Water Supply Information Summary | Information needed by DWR to evaluate if the water supply for a proposed subdivision or other land use action is sufficient in terms of quantity, quality, and dependability | TBA |
GWS-77 Water District Non-Opposition Consent Form | Provide evidence that a municipal water supply service area releases the specified groundwater applicant from all ordinances or covenants as sole source water provider, so the State Engineer may evaluate the request for a well permit (WP/DBB) | TBA |
GWS-78 Rooftop Precipitation Collection System | Apply to collect rooftop precipitation (WP/DBB) | TBA |
GWS-79 Statement of Ownership of an Amount of a Groundwater Right | Use this form to provide a statement of ownership to be submitted with well permit applications to withdraw an amount of groundwater quantified, in certain situations (WP/DBB) | TBA |
GWS-80 Well Permit Applicant 600 Foot Spacing Verification Affidavit | Well permit applicant affidavit to be completed when applying for a non-exempt well permit that is subject to a 600 foot spacing evaluation (WP) | TBA |
GX-01 Geoexchange Loop Field Construction and Test Report | Provide construction and test information for Geoexchange Loop Field | TBA |
GX-02 Application for Certification for Closed-Loop Geothermal Well Construction | Apply for closed-loop geothermal well construction certification | TBA |
List of Employees by Licensee | Identify employees directly employed by the licensee who perform well construction, pump installation, and/or cistern installation under the license. | |
Livestock Water Tank and Erosion Control Dam: Application (DRS-11) | Apply to construct a livestock water tank or erosion control dam (PONDS) | TBA |
Livestock Water Tank and Erosion Control Dam: Completion of Construction (DRS-11A ) | Provide evidence of construction for a livestock water tank or erosion control dam (PONDS) | TBA |
Livestock Water Tank or Erosion Control Dam: Change in owner name/address | Submit a request to update the owner name / address of a livestock water tank or erosion control dam (PONDS) | TBA |
Notice of Intent to Construct a Non-Jurisdictional Water Impoundment Structure | Provide a notice of intent to construct a Non-jurisdictional water impoundment structure | TBA |
Notice of Intent to Construct Monitoring Holes or Dewatering Wells (also Test Holes Penetrating Through a Confining Layer) | Provide notice of intent (NOI) to construct monitoring holes or dewatering wells (also test holes that penetrate a confining layer) as described by Rule 6.3 of the Water Well Construction Rules, 2CCR 402-2. For additional information, see the Guide to Notice of Intent, or submit questions using Ask DWR. (WP/DBB). (This form replaces forms GWS-51 and GWS-62.) | NoticeOfIntent |
Republican: Form 11 Standard Variance Request | Complete a Variance Request to request a variance (RRB) | TBA |
Republican: Form 11A Variance Request for Alternative Method of Measurement (Power Conversion Coefficient) | Complete a Variance Request for an alternative method of measurement when allowed (RRB) | TBA |
Republican: Form 7.1 Notice of Reactivation | Complete a Notice of Reactivation to notify the Division Office of the reason for reactivation (RRB) | TBA |
Request for a Program or Course Accreditation | Request a course accreditation for continuing education | TBA |
Request for Jurisdictional Exempt Determination for a Water Impoundment Structure | Provide information to allow for a determination about whether a proposed structure will be Jurisdictional and thus subject to the requirements of 2-CCR 402-1 or Exempt from the requirements of 2-CCR 402-1 | TBA |
Rio Grande: Form 11 Variance Request | Complete a Variance Request to request a variance (RGRB) | TBA |
Rio Grande: Form 4.0 Ground Water User Information | Complete a Ground Water User Information Form, as the well owner/user within 30 days of a TFM installation (RGRB) | TBA |
Rule 6.5 Dam Engineer Affidavit | An Engineer's Qualification Statement and Affidavit that they meet the requirements of 2-CCR 402-1 §4.10 | TBA |
SEO Advance Notification Form | If listed on the permit as a condition of approval, pursuant to Rule, a well construction or pump installation contractor must provide advance notification (by 11:59 pm the day before) to the State Engineer prior to constructing a well or installing a pump or cistern. | |
South Platte: Dry up Certification | Provide a verified statement to the Division 1, Division Engineer certifying dry up (SPRB) | TBA |
South Platte: Form 11 Variance Request | Complete a Variance Request to request a variance (SPRB) | TBA |
South Platte: Form 11A Non-Use Variance Request | Complete for wells within a decreed augmentation plan that have not been used or have not be operationally disabled (SPRB) | TBA |
South Platte: Form 7.2 Notice of Reactivation | Complete a Notice of Reactivation to notify the Division Office of the reason for reactivation (SPRB) | TBA |
Specifications and Spillway Sizing Guidelines for Non-Jurisdictional Water Impoundment Structures | Provides construction specifications and spillway sizing guidelines for Non-Jurisdictional Dams | TBA |
Title Companies - Change of Owner Name/Contact Information | For use by title companies for filing a Change of Owner Name / Contact Information form for a well with a valid well permit in connection with a real estate transaction. The well permit number must be known to file this form. Use the Well Permit Search Tool to identify the correct permit number. See the Permit Search Tool User Guide for help searching for permit numbers. Note - filing a Change of Owner Name form is for contact information purposes ONLY. This action does not convey real property. Please refer to the Title Company Guide to Change of Owner Name/Contact Information Online Form for more detailed instructions. For additional assistance, submit questions using Ask DWR-Change of Owner Name. (WP/DBB) (This form was formerly identified as GWS-11.) | ChangeOwnerTitleCompany |
Title Companies - Change of Owner Name/Contact Information (valid permit number not available) | For use by title companies for filing a Change of Owner Name / Contact Information form for a well in connection with a real estate transaction only in situations where a valid well permit number for the well cannot be identified. Please refer to the Title Company Guide to Change of Owner Name/Contact Information Online Form for more detailed instructions. For additional assistance, submit questions using Ask DWR-Change of Owner Name. (WP/DBB) (This form was formerly identified as GWS-11.) | ChangeOwnerTitleCompanyNoPermit |
Unconditional Letter of Credit | Letter of Credit for Licensed Contractors | TBA |
Verification of Employment & Experience | Verification of Employment & Experience for Licensed Contractors | TBA |
Well Abandonment Report | Use this form to report the abandonment of a well, test hole penetrating a confining layer between two distinct aquifers, monitoring and observation hole or well; geoexchange system or dewatering system that has been removed or plugged, sealed, and abandoned; or gravel pit that has been backfilled or lined. (Formerly GWS-09) Review the Well Construction Rules for more information concerning well abandonment requirements. For additional guidance on filing the eForm, please refer to the Guide to Filing the Well Abandonment Report eForm. | AbandonmentReport |
Well Meter Tester Certification Registration | Complete the registration to apply to become a certified well tester and take written/field exams | |
Well Tester Field Exam Application | If you are currently a certified well tester, complete this application to take the annual field exam. |